Considering HTM?
- Ranked #5 in the US and #13 in the World
- 97% Job Placement Rate
The Most Diverse Job Environment in the World...Choose a career in
- Hotel & Resorts
- Destination Marketing Organizations
- Private Clubs
- Food and Beverage
- Real Estate
- Travel
- Eco-Tourism
- Revenue Management and Analytics
Allows you the opportunity to Double Major...choices include
- Managament
- Finance
- Accounting
- Business Information Technology
- Marketing
- Real Estate
Accelerated MSBA-HTM Degree
- Six hours of undergraduate courss count torward the MSBA-HTM
Career Fairs that Focus on HTM Students
- Two career fairs each year
- More than 60 companies
- Part-time, summer internships, and full-time job opportunities
- Approximately $60,000 awarded each year