Juan Luis Nicolau

295 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Juan Luis Nicolau, PhD is the J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Professor of Revenue Management in the Virginia Tech Pamplin College of Business. He has authored 2 books, 8 book chapters and more than 160 journal publications (over 135 of them are published in journals listed on the Web of Science’s Journal of Citation Reports), such as Strategic Management Journal, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, Journal of Business Research, Economics Letters, Marketing Letters, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Travel Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Economics, Journal of Services Marketing or European Journal of Marketing. Before joining Virginia Tech, he was tenured Full Professor of Marketing and the Dean of the College of Economics and Business of the University of Alicante (Spain). He has received more than 25 research awards and recognitions. He is listed among the world’s top-10 international researchers in tourism according to the ranking published in Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism.
Research Area
- Online reviews
- Choice models and decision making
- Firm value
- Revenue management
- Tourism marketing
Research Methods
- Discrete choice models
- Event study
- Econometrics
Publications that best represent my research
- Anguera-Torrell, O. and Nicolau, J.L. (2023). Who benefits more from trade shows: Independent, franchised or chain-owned/managed hotels?”, Tourism Management, 104770.
- Ji, X., Nicolau, J.L., Liu, X. (2023). Long rating scales trigger positive ratings: When referent thinking beats relative thinking, Annals of Tourism Research, 103625.
- Nicolau, J.L. and Sharma, A. (2022). A review of research into drivers of firm value through event studies in tourism and hospitality: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research curated collection on drivers of firm value through event studies in tourism and hospitality, Annals of Tourism Research, 95, 103430
- Nicolau, J.L., Kim, B., Shin, H. and O’Connell, F. (2022), “The impact of loss aversion and diminishing sensitivity on airline revenue: Price sensitivity in cabin classes”, Journal of Travel Research, 00472875221093014.
- Nicolau, J.L., Wang, D. and Xiang, Z. (2023). “Daily online review sentiment and hotel performance”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, forthcoming.
- Sharma, A., Nicolau, J.L. and Mas, F. (2022), “The effect of movie and television placements”, Tourism management, 91, 104517.
Professional Engagement
- Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA)
Professional Experiences
- Associate Editor, Journal of Travel Research, since 2010
- Associate Editor, Annals of Tourism Research, since 2018
- Associate Editor, Tourism Economics, since 2018
- Associate Editor, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, since 2018
- Associate Editor, Business Research Quarterly (formerly known as Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de Empresas (CEDE)), 2012 to 2016
- Editorial Board member of Journal of Sustainable Tourism since 2021
- Editorial Board member of Business Research Quarterly since 202
Editor of special issues
Guest Editor of the special issue in Tourism Economics “Sports and Tourism: Economic Impacts”, 2019
Psychology & Marketing, 2022
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2022
Annals of Tourism Research, 2022
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2023
- Founding member, Alliance for Innovators and Researchers in Tourism & Hospitality (AIRTH), since 2017
- PhD, College of Economics and Business, University of Alicante, 2002
Honors and Awards
- Research Award for the best Spanish PhD thesis in tourism, Valencia Government, 2004.
- Research Award for the best marketing research project, ESIC Business School, 2004.
- 1st Prize in the Malaga Research Contest to the best tourism research project, Malaga Government, 2006.
- Valedictorian Doctorate Award, University of Alicante, 2007.
- "Outstanding Paper Award Winner" at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008.
- Secondary award in Joan Oró’s Award to the scientific research divulgation, Catalan Association of Scientific Communication, 2008.
- "Highly Commended Award" at the Eirass 2009 Conference, Niagara.
- Award for the best research project in tourism in the International Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR), 2010)
- Unicaja Award to the best socioeconomic research project, Octubre 2010.
- Research Award of the Everis Fundation, 2011.
- “Journal Paper of the Year Award” (second), International Federation of IT and Travel and Tourism (IFITT), 2014 [Park, S., Nicolau, J.L. and Fesenmaier, D. (2013) “Assessing advertising in a hierarchical decision model”, Annals of Tourism Research, 40, 260-282]
- “Journal Paper of the Year Award” (third), International Federation of IT and Travel and Tourism (IFITT), 2014, [Nicolau, J.L. and Santa-María, M.J. (2013) “The effect of innovation on hotel market value”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 32, 71-79].
- Spanish Government official research recognitions: He has obtained -on four occasions- the official recognition of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology for his international quality research over the past 24 years. This Ministry evaluates each researcher’s publications and determines the “official recognition” every six years. Periods: 1998-2003, 2004-2009, 2010-2015 and 2016-2021.
- He is included in the top-10 international researchers in tourism (2022) [Cao, Y., Jeon, J., Tang, L. R., & Wang, X. (2022). Revisit hospitality and tourism research rankings in six journals: Second decade of the new millennium. Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism, 1(1), 1-15], and ranked 1st in the top-10 international researchers in the field of destination choice in tourism research (2021) [Pandey, K., & Joshi, S. (2021). Trends in destination choice in tourism research: A 25-year bibliometric review. FIIB Business Review, 10(4), 371-392].
- Award for the best university professor of the year 2010 (Teaching Excellence Award) by the State Government of Valencia (Spain).
- Feiertag HTM Certificate of Teaching Award, 2020
- Annual Faculty Award for Excellence in Research (MVP Award 2020), Pamplin College of Business, 2020
- Annual Faculty Award for Excellence in Research (MVP Award 2021), Pamplin College of Business, 2021
- Iacobus Award of the European Union – European Regional Development Fund for his work on senior tourists, 2021.
- Alimara Award in Tourism Research, CETT-UB, Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy, 2021, “for expanding the theoretical and practical knowledge of tourists’ behavioral patterns and their purchase decision processes.”
- Best paper award (1st place), 90th TOSOK International Tourism Conference, Shin, H., Kang, J., Sharma, A. and Nicolau, J.L. (2021), The value of vaccines passport policy for travel recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic: a multi-stakeholder perspective, July 2021.
- Pamplin College of Business Career Award for Research Excellence, 2021, in recognition of his exceptional career record of outstanding research, scholarly inquiry and investigations that have led to the development of new theories and empirical generalizations, and the application of such contributions to practice.
- Virginia Tech Alumni Award for Excellence in International Research, 2022, in recognition for “his outstanding contributions to international research at Virginia Tech and the very impressive and notably efforts throughout his entire career”.
- Annual Faculty Award for Excellence in Research (MVP Award 2022), Pamplin College of Business, 2022
- Best Paper award, Research and Innovation Conference, Yang, Y., Viglia, G., García, M. and Nicolau, J.L. (2021), “Competitors or complements: A meta-analysis on the effect of Airbnb on hotel performance”, University of Portsmouth, UK, 2022.
- Honorary appointment as Eminent Scholar at Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea, 2023
- Annual Faculty Award for Excellence in Research (MVP Award 2023), Pamplin College of Business, 2023
- Career Award for Academic Excellence in Tourism Research by the University of Alicante, Spain, 2024
Previous Universities
- Tenured Full Professor of Marketing, Department of Marketing, Dean of the College of Economics and Business, University of Alicante, 1996-2017