Hyojun Jung

Virginia Tech
295 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Hyojun Jung is a Ph.D. student in the Howard Feiertag Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Virginia Tech. His research interests include consumer behavior, services marketing, and data analytics in hospitality and tourism.
Ph.D. Status
Expected Graduation: 2027
Advisor(s): Juan Luis Nicolau
On the Job Market: No
Research Areas: Consumer behavior, Data Analytics, Information systems, and New technologies in the tourism and hospitality industry
Research Methods:Data Analytics, Big Data Analysis, Survey and SEM
Teaching Assistant Roles
HTM 3424 Event Management
MTM, Tourism Management, Sejong University, 2022
BS, Physics & BA, Economics & Finance, Hanyang University, 2015
Work Experience
Certificated Foreigner Tourist Guide, South Korea, 2021-2023
Engineer, Samsung Electronics, 2015-2021
Hyojun Jung & Jinsoo Hwang (2023) The information characteristics of YouTube tourism content and their impacts on user satisfaction and intention to visit and share information: the moderating role of word-of-mouth information acceptance, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 28:2, 143-156, DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2023.2207692
Destination: Changdeokgung Palace and Secret Garden - UNESCO World Heritage, Seoul
Food & Drink: Korean fried chicken and Beer, Korean grilled pork belly and Soju